Australian Property Podcast

The Australian Property Podcast is hosted by four of Australia’s top property investors and financial educators. The Australian Property Podcast all about buying, managing and investing in Australian property.

My name is Owen Raszkiewicz, I’m the host of The Australian Property Podcast and Founder of Rask, one of Australia’s leading investment research and financial education companies.

There’s no such thing as a property guru

In this episode of the Australian property podcast, Pete Wargent highlights the importance of learning from experience, adapting to changing market conditions, and choosing trustworthy advisors who practice what they preach.


7 reasons property is better shares & ETFs

Property AND shares? Property OR shares? Marc Jocum of Global X ETFs Australia joins Owen Rask in this Australian Investors Podcast episode to explain 7 reasons why property investing in Australia could be better than shares and ETFs.


There’s no such thing as a property guru

In this episode of the Australian property podcast, Pete Wargent highlights the importance of learning from experience, adapting to changing market conditions, and choosing trustworthy advisors who practice what they preach.

Listen now

7 reasons property is better shares & ETFs

Property AND shares? Property OR shares? Marc Jocum of Global X ETFs Australia joins Owen Rask in this Australian Investors Podcast episode to explain 7 reasons why property investing in Australia could be better than shares and ETFs.

Listen now

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