Today’s ASX news

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How to value FMG and CSL shares

The Fortescue Ltd (ASX:FMG) share price is down around 36.0% since the start of 2024. It’s probably worth asking, ‘is the FMG share price top value?’


Is the S&P 500 going to crash in 2025?

Is the US stock market and S&P 500 going to crash? On this episode of The Australian Investors Podcast, Owen Rask is joined by Drew Meredith, CFP, for a discussion on what’s the crystal is telling us in 2025.


Is the S&P 500 going to crash in 2025?

Is the US stock market and S&P 500 going to crash? On this episode of The Australian Investors Podcast, Owen Rask is joined by Drew Meredith, CFP, for a discussion on what’s the crystal is telling us in 2025.

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