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A Rask podcast

Australian Finance Podcast

Every Monday & Friday.

Episodes & show notes

💸 Your investing universe: what can you invest in?

💸 What is investing & why should you invest? [Investing Month]

Rask Roadshow, Kate’s book Buying Happiness & Owen’s chicken empire [Money & Chill]

Are you prioritising your happiness? Lessons on setting goals, making trade-offs and gratefulness with The Happiness Guy

Getting a home loan and choosing a broker in 2023 ft. mortgage broker Chris Bates

Teaching kids practical money skills for the future [BONUS]

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Meet your hosts

Owen Rask

Owen Rask is the founder of The Rask Group, a nature lover and investment adviser with over a decade of experience. A business book worm, rookie programmer and passionate investor, Owen will make your investing fun, accessible – and profitable.

Gemma Mitchell

Gemma Mitchell is a mum, money coach and financial adviser with over 15 years experience in financial services. She’s down-to-earth, optimistic about the world and thrives on helping you make the most of your money.

Episode show notes

ASX share review: Magellan Financial Group (ASX: MFG)

Q&A: How often should I invest, LIC buybacks & separate finances

The psychology behind your money goals

Investing in defensive assets: cash, bonds & gold

ETF investing 2.0: How do ETFs actually work?

5 reasons to sell your shares

Coronavirus And Prepping Finances For… A Recession?

Can you win the money game? | High performance mindset coach

10 property tips for home buyers in 2022

New investor tax toolkit | ATO Assistant Commissioner Tim Loh

Invest your time better with Nir Eyal

Divorce & financial separation | Family Law Barrister

Over $10 million invested already

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